Who am I?

At the moment, me, Xose Picatoste am a teacher at the University of A Coruna (UDC) . I finished my PhD studies at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid the third of June of 2019. I was during three months in a research visit as a reconigsed student on the Latin American Centre, at Oxford University, where I have learnt a lot about the situation on Latin American countries. My PhD is entittled "Youth unemployment in the context of the  European Union.

I am a member from the research group EDaSS (Economic Development and Social Sustainability), who's cordinator is the teacher Dr. Isabel Novo-Corti . I'm collaborating with another research groups like SET - LASE (Socio Economía del Trabajo - Labour Socio Economics) from the "Universidad Autónoma de Madrid".  

Before my academic career, I studied economics at the University of A Coruña, and two master's degrees, one in education and the other in migration and international relations. Education's one was studied in Valencian International University (VIU) and the migration one, was studied in the faculty of Sociology at the "Universidade da Coruña"

Academic carrer


My academic carrer has started as a FPI researcher and PhD student at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Now, I continue my carreer at the "Universidade da Coruña". My work consits on research and teach some subjects at this university.

Last year, I had presented my doctoral disertation entitled "Youth Unemployment in the context of the European Union" which deals with the problem of youth unemployment, I mean, how young people have to study and get educations on ICT in order to get a job and how Smart Cities, can get influence on computer skills.

This is an important issue, anyway, is not the only one. Is also important to know the problem of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). NEET population are people who fall into discouragement. Some of these people do not finish their studies. This subject is very related to risk of poverty and social exclusion because, in order to be NEET, economic environment get less influence than the risk of poverty and social exclusion, so is important to try to avoid this situations.

Finally, it is important to highlight how labor policies of equality and inclusion for a vulnerable group of the population, influence the well-being at work and the general welfare of the population and of young people in particular, minimizing the NEET phenomenon.

Now I have taught in two subjects at my university. One of them is "Principles of Microeconomics" which belongs to the degree in Business Studies and the simultaneity with the degree in tourism.On the other hand, the second subject taught was entitled "Economic-Accounting Principles of the company", which belongs to the law degree.

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